
Are Amy Robach and TJ Holmes Still Together? Former Co-Anchors Confirm After Emotional Podcast

If you are romantically involved with someone, then it's better to keep the happy moments on social media and the tougher vulnerable ones within. However, with no filter and going real being the trend, did Amy Robach and TJ Holmes take the right step towards discussing their vulnerabilities? The Good Morning America couple, and journalists by profession, took to their podcast TJ and Amy, to talk about their relationship extensively. Soon after, fans were baffled about their relationship status. 

Are TJ Holmes and Amy Robach still together?


ALSO READ: Amy Robach says she fell and then walked ‘into love’ with former GMA co-host T.J. Holmes; quips she has ‘few bruises’ from fall

Amy and TJ Holmes at an Event (Via IMDb)

Well, the answer is very much yes! The couple took to Instagram to share a clip while roaming the streets of New York City and the couple confessed that they are going strong and are still together. Holmes can be heard saying, “It was something we really struggled and debated about whether or not we should even put out there — but at this point, I’m glad we did.” Amy, the 46-year-old reporter, smiled and agreed in unison. Their purpose was to show all sides of their relationship and help anyone who was having a rocky relationship at the moment. They wanted to let people know that despite being chirpy on social media, there is this side to them too, all raw and transparent and full of flaws. It's good to see that the couple was very candid and happy about it. The episode was so full of controversial elements that the audience believed the couple had separated or were planning to do so. But it was just a phase and the couple is happy to record podcasts and bring truths to the world no one else would. 

What happened on the podcast?


 Amy Robach and TJ Holmes were in split minds on whether they should drop an episode on their vulnerabilities while admitting the existence of speed breakers in their steady relationship too. TJ, the 50-year-old journalist considers himself lonely and a person who does not want anyone in when he is having a bad time, but Amy loves to communicate and sort things out. The couple also pointed out about their affair getting public and how it impacted their careers amongst other things.

ALSO READ: TJ Holmes and Amy Robach spent ‘absurd’ amount on alcohol in December alone; claim 2023 was like ‘pandemic’

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  1. Are TJ Holmes and Amy Robach still together?
  2. What happened on the podcast?
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